Cube Truck lettering and wrapping
Why Choose Cube Truck Lettering
No matter what your field of activity is, lettering your cube truck is an excellent way to promote your products and services, both on the road and once the vehicle is parked at its destination. The lettering of your cube truck is an advertisement that reflects your company's image and will be with you everywhere and at all times. It's a great way to increase your pool of potential customers, without having to put too much effort into it!
A Professional Cube Truck Wrap
The lettering of your cube truck is effective in promoting your business, in addition to positioning you as a serious player in your industry. Displaying a professional image, thanks to the cube truck wrap, allows you to effectively demonstrate who you are and, thus, to stand out from the competition. Furthermore, by calling on the Lettra team, you will obtain a completely personalized wrapping solution at a very appealing price.

Vehicle Lettering to Promote Your Company
Lettra can offer you a multitude of options for lettering your cube truck to meet your needs. Printing your logo and corporate contact information, wrapping it in your company's colors; in short, everything you need to get noticed.
What's more, Lettra's experts use only 3M products, which are known for their impeccable quality and always deliver results that meet expectations. Both the printing and the installation of your cube truck's lettering are designed to withstand the variations in our northern climate, in addition to being extremely durable, allowing the lettering to last and remain as impeccable as on day one.
Doing business with Lettra is a guarantee of satisfaction at every step of the lettering process and a result that exceeds your expectations.
Creation of visuals and production
Print production
Making an appointment for installation
Vehicle cleaning and decontamination
Final inspection and delivery